The Diverse Garden is an online visual invitation to take a broad or deep dive into the results and connections of my past, current and ongoing research, influences, examples, experiences, growth and changes towards living, enacting, and understand what it entails to explore sustainability personally, locally and artistically. The Diverse Garden is a cultivated environment that has come into being through my explorations of a wide range of projects, theories, philosophies, artistic practices, documentaries, stories and personal encounters. Each one brings different perspectives relating or correlating to the subject of sustainability. The Diverse Garden is a space where ideologies of sustainability are challenged, tested, speculated, and where alternatives methods for enactment can be found and learned from. This broad array of sources is a supporting network of knowledge that is rich, deep and fertile that triggers a response and opens up space for growing with and within the subject of sustainability.

The Diverse Garden will continue to grow, its current growth has been inspired and taken shape by the nuggets of knowledge that are embedded within its metaphorical soil. It also works as a sounding board for my current and future decisions on intersectional levels such as the relation between ethical and economical values. Additionally, by drawing from natural systems and regenerative seasons the physical manifestation of this garden, curated by the LDD foundation, has taken many twists and turns, downsizing, re-designing, revising, envisioning and evolving with each new participate and location it arrives at. These transformations too can be discovered in the online Diverse Garden.

The Diverse Garden serves as an open source for knowledge on sustainability. One can make their own tour while making connections and meander down their own path by clicking on images, audios, videos and texts that are gathered together and referenced from academic findings, personal experiences, local and international examples and interactions based on the themes of sustainability. It’s also an invitation to let this flow of information and impressions of a world in transition, seep into your subconscious like it has mine, shifting, thoughts, patterns and ways of being within cycles.

These online pages are designed in 4 parts, every page grows from and within each of the essential phases that are needed for The Diverse Garden to grow.
The Diverse Garden
Regenerative, Reflection, Composting and Shedding Skins
Enacting, Experimenting, Negotiating, Learning, Unlearning and Co-creating
Nurturing, Sunshine, Correspondence, Observing, Absorbing and Inquiry
Storytelling, Comprehending, Envisioning, Future, Gather, Share and Response–able
Click this image on any page in order to head back to this home page.
The sounds, audio pieces, pictures and videos on each of the pages have been gathered through my experiences over the last 2 years, 2020 - 2021.
When you see this symbol over a text or image, it's an indication that there's an extension to the page.
There are multiple clickable links like this on each of the pages ready to be uncovered. Happy exploring :-)
I was inspired to make the water color paintings on this page, after taking a long walk with my daughter where we specifically observed, selected and gather plants together.